The Federal Communications Commission published its latest Notice of Proposed Rule-Making for the E-rate program in the Federal Register February 10, establishing March 11 as the deadline for filing comments.
The Federal Communications Commission published its latest Notice of Proposed Rule-Making for the E-rate program in the Federal Register February 10, establishing March 11 as the deadline for filing comments and April 12 as the deadline for reply comments.
The Commission is considering changes in the program's discount matrix, the current competitive bidding procedures, the definition of eligible Internet access, current rules relating to wide area networks, the definition of "rural" areas for program purposes and the current procedures for recovery of funds that are disbursed in error or in violation of program rules. The Commission also seeks comments on additional proposals to limit waste, fraud and abuse, many of which were suggested by the Schools and Libraries Division's Task Force on the Prevention of Waste, Fraud and Abuse.
The Commission also formally published the 3rd Report and Order that it approved in December, establishing March 11, 2004 as the formal effective date for those program rules and changes.