The Funding Year 2024 Form 471 application filing window closed as scheduled at 11:59pm Eastern time on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. In total, 35,268 Forms 471 were certified in-window for about $3.196 Billion. This is an increase of $277.8 Million, almost 10% over Funding Year 2023.
Increase in Category One Request Amounts
For Category One, the total dollars requested showed a significant increase over the prior three years, and was 12% higher than Funding Year 2023

Note that the FY2024 Category One total has been adjusted down slightly to account for several funding requests which may be over-inflated due to data entry errors.
Category Two showed a slight increase over the previous year, but was still lower than FY 2022
Last Day Filers
FY2024 also saw 4,086 in the number of “last day” Forms 471 certified by applicants, down slightly from the FY 2023 last day total of 4,367.
This chart is the chart that should be a line chart, indicating the flow of time. It doesn’t look like the pace of funding requests. over the years.
Also, make sure you are comparing original requested amounts, comparing apples-to-apples.

Possible factor for this may be the extra day for this year’s window and the higher pace in the first weeks.