This week, we took a moment to survey the Funds For Learning E-rate Guides about their Thanksgiving traditions and preferences. Being the data-driven bunch that we are, some interesting conclusions can be derived from the results:

Turns out we’re a pretty traditional bunch when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, with more than 95% of our crew enjoying the traditional turkey and dressing fare. Not quite so consistent is the number of us who stay home vs. traveling for our turkey, with an even 60/40 split:

But really, is it Thanksgiving dinner with family without the looming threat of heated political discussions with those folks you haven’t talked with since last year’s heated political discussions? Perhaps it is, since more than 75% of us actively avoid the topic:

But we seem to have unity in the essentials, with every single Guide opting out of E-rate-related discussion at the table:

So, it sounds like we’re generally a pretty traditional, rational, conflict-avoiding bunch. Until you get to the results of the final survey question:
Dear readers, I present to you: The FFL Pie Preference Pie Chart (FPPPC):

The deck seems pretty stacked against meringue here, but other than that… this was a close race. (Sorry.) Pecan pulled it out in the end, but if you’re bringing dessert to the FFL table, you’d better be prepared to pump out some pies!
On a serious note, Funds For Learning would like to wish you and yours a safe and warm holiday. We are so grateful for the opportunity to support the millions of K-12 students and public library patrons who rely on the E-rate program for fast, reliable broadband access from coast to coast, and we are excited for what the future of the program has in store. Happy Thanksgiving!